Maximise your solar panel efficiency with Advance Solar Panels Canberra, ACT.

Solar energy is a renewable and sustainable energy source in our Sun-blessed city of Canberra. Not only does it save homeowners money on electricity bills, but it also helps protect the environment by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. However, for solar panels to be effective and maintain efficiency, they need regular maintenance - including regular cleaning. In this blog post, we'll walk you through all the steps necessary to keep your solar panels working optimally in Canberra's wet climate and hot summers. We'll explain why keeping them clean is essential and how to wash them down without damaging or compromising their performance correctly. So if you've been looking for advice on maintaining your solar panels to get maximum benefit from them year-round, look no further!

Introduce the Benefits of Solar Power in Canberra

Solar power offers the following benefits to Canberra residents;

  • As a renewable energy source, solar power helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Solar panels generate electricity with no noise or pollution.
  • Depending on the size of your system, you can save up to 70% on your electricity bill.
  • Solar technology has increased in efficiency over the years, which means more energy is produced for each panel installed.
  • Solar power also saves you money on energy bills long-term, as they tend to have a much longer lifespan than other forms of electricity generation.

How to Clean Your Solar Panels Regularly

Solar panels will need minimal maintenance. Among the maintenance practices involve solar panel cleaning. The following are tips on how to go about it;

  • Wear protective gear such as gloves and safety glasses when cleaning solar panels.
  • Use a soft brush to dislodge any accumulated dirt or debris on the panel. A soft garden broom is ideal for this job.
  • Use a hose with low pressure and no nozzle attached to spray down the panel from top to bottom, being especially careful around wiring and electrical components.
  • If necessary, use a mild detergent to remove stubborn streaks or dirt from the panel's surface.
  • Make Ensure all water is rinsed off entirely before drying with a soft cloth or chamois.
  • When finished, use a silicon-based lubricant on all exposed metal parts for added protection from rusting or corrosion.
  • Finally, check the panel for any signs of damage and contact a qualified electrician to repair it if necessary.

Your solar panels should be cleaned at least twice a year - once in autumn and again in spring - to ensure optimal performance and efficiency. We recommend contacting Advance Solar Panels Canberra to help with this task.

Tips on Optimising the Performance of Your Solar Panels

You can optimise your solar panels' performance in the following ways;

  • Make sure your solar panels are installed in a location that receives maximum sunlight throughout the day.
  • Clean them regularly and use a hose with low pressure.
  • Check for any debris accumulating on the panel, affecting performance.
  • Keep surrounding vegetation trimmed back from your solar panels – shade reduces efficiency.
  • Have a qualified electrician inspect your solar system every two to five years for any issues.
  • Invest in premium quality components tested and certified for performance.
  • Make sure all wiring is connected correctly and sealed.
  • Use a surge protector to protect against power surges that could damage the system's components.
  • Consider investing in monitoring equipment

What You Need To Know About Maintenance and Repairs

Maintenance and repairs are paramount in keeping your solar panels working efficiently and safely. The following tips will help you make sure your system is running smoothly;

  • Make sure the wiring of the solar panels is checked regularly for signs of corrosion or fraying.
  • Use a qualified electrician especially from solar panels Canberra to help with any repairs or maintenance tasks that may be necessary.
  • Have an annual check-up of all components to ensure everything functions correctly.
  • If necessary, replace any faulty or worn parts that could compromise the performance of your system.
  • Check and clean the inverter regularly to ensure it's working as it should be.
  • Test each panel's voltage output to ensure they produce electricity efficiently.

The Significance of Quality Control for Solar Panel Installations in Canberra

Quality control ensures your solar panel system is operating at peak efficiency year-round. It would help if you considered the following factors;

  • Choose a qualified installer with experience working with solar panels in Canberra's climate.
  • Invest in premium quality components and materials tested and certified for performance.
  • Make sure all wiring is connected correctly and sealed and all components are securely fastened.
  • Have a qualified electrician inspect your solar system every two to five years for any issues.

Why choose Advance Solar Panels Canberra For Your Maintenance Needs?

Maintaining and cleaning your solar panels will help ensure they work optimally. You should always check for signs of dirt, debris or any obstructions that can block the sun's rays from reaching the cells and impacting their efficiency. Regularly cleaning your solar panel system is essential to keep it running at its peak performance, ensuring maximum returns from your investment. If you don't feel confident about doing the job yourself, please contact a professional who can do it for you. At Advance Solar Panels Canberra, our team of experienced technicians is dedicated to giving our clients a high level of service – so why not give us a call today to get more advice on how to clean and maintain your solar array? Let us help you ensure that every ray of sunshine is used most efficiently!